Thursday, December 27, 2012

Look whos been watching!

So a dream of mine (down the road) is to have sewing lessons, on top all my other projects in life.  I hear it all the time adults that wish they knew how to sew but never learned or only know the basics.  My boys are always asking to sew on my machine, but I never make the time or feel like I have the patience to teach them. The other day Dawson was being so nice and rubbing my back while I was sewing and eventually was sitting on my lap "helping".  Little did I know Dawson really knew a lot!!  I had no idea he had been watching me so much.  At times of appliqueing the letter onto a towel I had to remind myself that I wasn't using the pedal, he was so good that it felt like I was doing it myself.  Guess I need to take the time and start teaching all the boys.  Future employees!  :) 

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